hryCek |
I would purchase a Return to Castle Wolfenstein for PC remake. |
05/28/2011 |
 #1141 Verified |
I currently own Return to Castle Wolfenstein for PC. |
it would be great to see remaked version of good old rtcw.
it owns most likely enemy territory |
Grzybu |
I would not purchase a Return to Castle Wolfenstein for PC remake. |
05/27/2011 |
 #1140 Verified |
I currently do not own Return to Castle Wolfenstein for PC. |
Bandit |
I would purchase a Return to Castle Wolfenstein for PC remake. |
05/26/2011 |
 #1139 Unverified |
I currently own Return to Castle Wolfenstein for PC. |
I have been playing PC games for quite a while, but when I came across RTCW I was pleasantly surprised. The hit-boxes were accurate, the game play was well balanced, and the class option choices were perfectly suited for the game.
As the game became outdated, I began to unsuccessfully search for similar games, with the same superior gaming experience as RTCW. The simple answer is re-create RTCW with updated graphics. I know hundreds of players that feel the same as I. JUST DO IT |
Birdysaver |
I would purchase a Return to Castle Wolfenstein for PC remake. |
05/25/2011 |
 #1138 Unverified |
I currently own Return to Castle Wolfenstein for PC. |
Bring it back! |
JoeytheWhip |
I would purchase a Return to Castle Wolfenstein for PC remake. |
05/24/2011 |
 #1137 Verified |
I currently own Return to Castle Wolfenstein for PC. |
RTCW was the game that made me go "hardcore" gamer...
Like your first sexual experience, it will never be forgotten or equaled. Please! remake the best FPS... EVER! |
XIGodOfWarIX |
I would purchase a Return to Castle Wolfenstein for PC remake. |
05/23/2011 |
 #1136 Unverified |
I currently own Return to Castle Wolfenstein for PC. |
This game is epic :D |
I would purchase a Return to Castle Wolfenstein for PC remake. |
05/22/2011 |
 #1135 Verified |
I currently own Return to Castle Wolfenstein for PC. |
I really enjoyed the MP and SP of RtCW, and I fully support this petition. I would also love to see the Single-Player remade and fleshed out, but seeing as there's no petition for that, I suppose this is the next best thing!
I loved the original Wolf 3D. I loved RtCW. When I saw Wolfenstein, though, I despaired. Please, id, remake this wonderful game! |
promaster |
I would purchase a Return to Castle Wolfenstein for PC remake. |
05/20/2011 |
 #1134 Unverified |
I currently own Return to Castle Wolfenstein for PC. |
I really want new Wolf. That's all. 2009s one's a crap. |
FixzY3e |
I would purchase a Return to Castle Wolfenstein for PC remake. |
05/20/2011 |
 #1133 Verified |
I currently do not own Return to Castle Wolfenstein for PC. |
it was best game! |
metyu |
I would purchase a Return to Castle Wolfenstein for PC remake. |
05/16/2011 |
 #1132 Verified |
I currently own Return to Castle Wolfenstein for PC. |
or make rtcw live! |
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