810 Verified Signatures

571 Unverified Signatures

1381 Total Signatures Collected

hryCek I would purchase a Return to Castle Wolfenstein for PC remake. 05/28/2011

I currently own Return to Castle Wolfenstein for PC.
it would be great to see remaked version of good old rtcw. it owns most likely enemy territory
Grzybu I would not purchase a Return to Castle Wolfenstein for PC remake. 05/27/2011

I currently do not own Return to Castle Wolfenstein for PC.
Bandit I would purchase a Return to Castle Wolfenstein for PC remake. 05/26/2011

I currently own Return to Castle Wolfenstein for PC.
I have been playing PC games for quite a while, but when I came across RTCW I was pleasantly surprised. The hit-boxes were accurate, the game play was well balanced, and the class option choices were perfectly suited for the game. As the game became outdated, I began to unsuccessfully search for similar games, with the same superior gaming experience as RTCW. The simple answer is re-create RTCW with updated graphics. I know hundreds of players that feel the same as I. JUST DO IT
Birdysaver I would purchase a Return to Castle Wolfenstein for PC remake. 05/25/2011

I currently own Return to Castle Wolfenstein for PC.
Bring it back!
JoeytheWhip I would purchase a Return to Castle Wolfenstein for PC remake. 05/24/2011

I currently own Return to Castle Wolfenstein for PC.
RTCW was the game that made me go "hardcore" gamer... Like your first sexual experience, it will never be forgotten or equaled. Please! remake the best FPS... EVER!
XIGodOfWarIX I would purchase a Return to Castle Wolfenstein for PC remake. 05/23/2011

I currently own Return to Castle Wolfenstein for PC.
This game is epic :D
LEGION_X51 I would purchase a Return to Castle Wolfenstein for PC remake. 05/22/2011

I currently own Return to Castle Wolfenstein for PC.
I really enjoyed the MP and SP of RtCW, and I fully support this petition. I would also love to see the Single-Player remade and fleshed out, but seeing as there's no petition for that, I suppose this is the next best thing! I loved the original Wolf 3D. I loved RtCW. When I saw Wolfenstein, though, I despaired. Please, id, remake this wonderful game!
promaster I would purchase a Return to Castle Wolfenstein for PC remake. 05/20/2011

I currently own Return to Castle Wolfenstein for PC.
I really want new Wolf. That's all. 2009s one's a crap.
FixzY3e I would purchase a Return to Castle Wolfenstein for PC remake. 05/20/2011

I currently do not own Return to Castle Wolfenstein for PC.
it was best game!
metyu I would purchase a Return to Castle Wolfenstein for PC remake. 05/16/2011

I currently own Return to Castle Wolfenstein for PC.
or make rtcw live!

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