810 Verified Signatures

571 Unverified Signatures

1381 Total Signatures Collected

|BB|Adulek I would purchase a Return to Castle Wolfenstein for PC remake. 01/24/2011

I currently own Return to Castle Wolfenstein for PC.
This is good idea !
wanxi (CAT) I would not purchase a Return to Castle Wolfenstein for PC remake. 01/24/2011

I currently own Return to Castle Wolfenstein for PC.
sasch9r I would purchase a Return to Castle Wolfenstein for PC remake. 01/24/2011

I currently own Return to Castle Wolfenstein for PC.
pls bring it back bros
roney I would not purchase a Return to Castle Wolfenstein for PC remake. 01/24/2011

I currently own Return to Castle Wolfenstein for PC.
EurO I would purchase a Return to Castle Wolfenstein for PC remake. 01/24/2011

I currently own Return to Castle Wolfenstein for PC.
Would be great, as I still play RTCW 1.4 pretty much every night. Please, have cooking nades, limited but fast-recharge stamina/sprint (alla Shrub), incoded hitsounds, Banimod taunt selections, and quick-download rate for custom stuff. I always said that RTCW died because the download rate for mods and customs maps was maxed out for dial-up, and no one wanted to wait for a 13.3 kbps download rate. Good luck, and I look forward to it!
//pR//Cappy I would purchase a Return to Castle Wolfenstein for PC remake. 01/23/2011

I currently own Return to Castle Wolfenstein for PC.
By far the best fps EVER made. Teamwork was flawless and the objectives were well defined. None of the BS of ranking or unlocks, everyone had a great time and everyone had the same chance of getting to be good at the game. This game would be incredible AS IS with a better engine and graphics but the same play style. Same maps should be remade along with new ones to make the game new again for everyone.
kurtis I would purchase a Return to Castle Wolfenstein for PC remake. 01/23/2011

I currently own Return to Castle Wolfenstein for PC.
rtcw is the only FPS game I've ever enjoyed. I'm sick of these call of duty games and call of duty knock offs. Also sick of these "vehicles or GTFO" games.
Larky I would purchase a Return to Castle Wolfenstein for PC remake. 01/23/2011

I currently own Return to Castle Wolfenstein for PC.
no iron sites and keep the medics ability to revive. hitsounds would be nice as well. I will never buy another fps that doesn't have that. I h8 just playing ET. no one plays anymore :(
sk1p I would purchase a Return to Castle Wolfenstein for PC remake. 01/23/2011

I currently own Return to Castle Wolfenstein for PC.
Loqz I would not purchase a Return to Castle Wolfenstein for PC remake. 01/23/2011

I currently own Return to Castle Wolfenstein for PC.

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