810 Verified Signatures

571 Unverified Signatures

1381 Total Signatures Collected

WolfensteinSeriesFan1983 I would purchase a Return to Castle Wolfenstein for PC remake. 01/17/2011

I currently own Return to Castle Wolfenstein for PC.
I really want Id Software to remake both the old classic Wolfenstein 3D Games and Return To Castle Wolfenstein. I am not quite a big fan of RTCW and last years' Wolfenstein because both these 2 games aren't frightning enough.But my final conclusion is that Id Software must be the 1 behind the devoluper's chair this time. Make Wolfenstein games MORE scary and frightning again! I want to see this on the front cover: 18++!!
|ISF|NOSI|ETF| I would purchase a Return to Castle Wolfenstein for PC remake. 01/17/2011

I currently own Return to Castle Wolfenstein for PC.
W:ET is the best game ever created. I know you are the only people who could ever trump that achievement!
Blaster I would purchase a Return to Castle Wolfenstein for PC remake. 01/17/2011

I currently own Return to Castle Wolfenstein for PC.
love 64ppl server that, all games are missing nowdays! And team play was important before, especally medic to revive eash other. Would like to see rtcw live (like quake-live)
=)IC(= bo0n I would purchase a Return to Castle Wolfenstein for PC remake. 01/17/2011

I currently own Return to Castle Wolfenstein for PC.
yes its time to update RTCW
General Wolfens I would not purchase a Return to Castle Wolfenstein for PC remake. 01/17/2011

I currently own Return to Castle Wolfenstein for PC.
gamingpalace.de, the first & biggest german RTCW Community, is waiting for a new release :)
=KT=.pL3Xy. I would purchase a Return to Castle Wolfenstein for PC remake. 01/17/2011

I currently own Return to Castle Wolfenstein for PC.
Kein anderes Spiel der Welt bietet ein besseres Teamplay! www.RtCW4ever.de
Leon I would purchase a Return to Castle Wolfenstein for PC remake. 01/17/2011

I currently own Return to Castle Wolfenstein for PC.
I've played rtcw for years and I loved it. In my opinion best Game ever. I support this petition and I hope that it will have success. Greetings Leon.
NooB I would purchase a Return to Castle Wolfenstein for PC remake. 01/17/2011

I currently own Return to Castle Wolfenstein for PC.
Just Do It!
=KT=Veganman I would purchase a Return to Castle Wolfenstein for PC remake. 01/17/2011

I currently own Return to Castle Wolfenstein for PC.
wolfenstein couldn't have been any worse in my opinion, which is a little disappointing after waiting so long for it to come out.
Devil I would purchase a Return to Castle Wolfenstein for PC remake. 01/17/2011

I currently own Return to Castle Wolfenstein for PC.
Yeeehhha! Good idea

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