810 Verified Signatures

571 Unverified Signatures

1381 Total Signatures Collected

-[x]-Badman' I would purchase a Return to Castle Wolfenstein for PC remake. 01/16/2011

I currently own Return to Castle Wolfenstein for PC.
=TAO=WARPIG I would purchase a Return to Castle Wolfenstein for PC remake. 01/16/2011

I currently own Return to Castle Wolfenstein for PC.
I've been wishing for this for years,
*Lao I would purchase a Return to Castle Wolfenstein for PC remake. 01/16/2011

I currently own Return to Castle Wolfenstein for PC.
RtCW is one of the few games that had the WWII gameplay separating itself from the COD, MOH, and countless other WWII shooters. An RtCW refresh would have a totally different fan base from shooters like COD because of the circle jumping, weapon spray, classes and much more... This changed the game from being a boring WWII shooter into something else that has a fast pace similar to Quake yet still utilizing the strategic capacity of a completely different game. ID, make some magic!
=KT=NavySeal I would purchase a Return to Castle Wolfenstein for PC remake. 01/16/2011

I currently own Return to Castle Wolfenstein for PC.
I wish they could have a Fast Fire version of RTCW. So maybe 2 ways to play, one with fast fire and the other with the classic slower fire rate. There was a mod made for RTCW called bani which as far as I am concerned made RTCW one of the funnest games I have ever played.
Milk I would purchase a Return to Castle Wolfenstein for PC remake. 01/16/2011

I currently own Return to Castle Wolfenstein for PC.
no iron sights
Nikowolf I would purchase a Return to Castle Wolfenstein for PC remake. 01/16/2011

I currently do not own Return to Castle Wolfenstein for PC.
JoJ I would purchase a Return to Castle Wolfenstein for PC remake. 01/16/2011

I currently own Return to Castle Wolfenstein for PC.
wTh|S.Shooter I would purchase a Return to Castle Wolfenstein for PC remake. 01/16/2011

I currently own Return to Castle Wolfenstein for PC.
I still play rtcw. Even tho i try other games i always end up coming back to rtcw. I'm one of the senior admins on ECGn, the last big 64man server on 1.4. I was so looking forward to Wolfenstein, and what a fail. A rtcw live or an MP update would be a nice addition to one of the best teamplayer based multiplayer fps games ever created. Feeling, moving, aiming, pace and competition.
Derek I would purchase a Return to Castle Wolfenstein for PC remake. 01/16/2011

I currently own Return to Castle Wolfenstein for PC.
All we want is Wolf-ET with new Graphics,Features,Maps ... etc... please remake "RTCW" "ET" MP!!!!! PPPPPLLLLEEEEAAASSSEEEEEE!!!!!! :-)
=KT=PREDOGGG I would purchase a Return to Castle Wolfenstein for PC remake. 01/16/2011

I currently own Return to Castle Wolfenstein for PC.
i would only pay for it if it stays the same type of game play dont like the new wolfenstein

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